- This paper is concerned with the derivation of a progression of shadow-free image representations. First we show that adopting certain assumptions about lights and cameras leads to a 1-d, grey-scale image representation which is illuminant inva
- Contrairement au filtrage par convolution (filtrage linéaire), le filtrage non-linéaire fait intervenir les pixels voisins suivant une loi non-linéaire. Le filtre médian (cas particulier du filtrage d’ordre), utilisé dans cet exercice, est un exe
- 介绍高光谱遥感的一些基础知识,如高光谱分辨率,波段,像素等-Introduce some basic knowledge of hyperspectral remote sensing, such as high spectral resolution bands, pixels, etc.
- The region is iteratively grown by comparing all unallocated neighbouring pixels to the region. The difference between a pixel s intensity value and the region s mean, is used as a measure of similarity. The pixel with the smallest difference measure
- egion growing approach is the opposite of the split and merge approach: An initial set of small areas are iteratively merged according to similarity constraints. Start by choosing an arbitrary seed pixel and compare it with neighbouring pi
- 数据挖掘kmeans图像聚类实验报告 用 VC 或 Java 实现 k-means 聚类算法, 分别以迭代次数及分配不再发生变化为算法终止条件,用图片(自己选择)作为数据集,比较运行时间(画出时间与像素点的关系曲线图,因此须用多幅像素个数不同的图片进行实验) 提交实验报告与源代码。 -Data mining to achieve the k-means clustering algorithm the kmeans image clustering experiment report wit
- The sizes are 14 256x256, 26 512x512, and 4 1024x1024. Download the full Miscellaneous volume in ... Girl (Lena, or Lenna). 512x512 pixels, 768kb.