- In computer vision, sets of data acquired by sampling the same scene or object at different times, or from different perspectives, will be in different coordinate systems. Image registration is the process of transforming the different sets of data
- 中科院自动化所博士论文。本论文是与实际的应用项目紧密相关的。在课题进行期间,笔者负责了S60和S80两款注塑机控制器主机软、硬件的设计开发工作,并组织了批量生产。截止到目前为止,共销售注塑机控制器上百套,安装在了以宁波市为中心的多个地区的十多个厂家中。其中最早的原理样机已经在工业现场不间断运行了3年之久,历经了高、低温和潮湿环境的考验,充分证明了产品的可靠性。-Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences doctoral dissert
- This paperpresent a novel framework for inferring global behaviour patterns through modelling behaviour correlations in a wide-area scene and detecting any anomaly in behaviours occurring both locally and globally. Specifically, This paperpropose
- Biologically Inspired Features for Scene Classification in Video Surveillance
- 关于粒子系统的相关文章,粒子系统对于模拟现实中的雨雪,爆炸场景等是及其逼真的。这里面关于这些粒子系统的基本概念及相关知识有教深入的研究。-Related articles on particle systems, particle system for the simulation of reality in the rain and snow, explosion scene is realistic. There is the basic concept and knowledge of t
- 有关视频场景分类的几篇文章,都是比较经典的文章,适合入门者。-For articles classified video scenes are more classic article, suitable for beginners.
- blind scene detction based video watermarking paper
- Particle filters are often used for tracking objects within a scene. As the prediction model of a particle filter is often implemented using basic movement predictions such as ran- domwalk,constantvelocityoracceleration,thesemodelswill us
- Splicing operation may introduce inconsistencies in organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce scene illumination estimation methods. In Section 3, the proposed method based on illumination inconsistency is introduced. Section 4 present
- 提出了一种基于雾气遮罩减除的图像去雾算 法。首先对降质图像平滑滤波以估计其亮度分量,对亮度分量求均值得到均匀分布的雾气遮罩,并结合退 化图像获取与场景深度信息相关的雾气遮罩。在对数域中从降质图像中减除获得的雾气遮罩,即可得到 场景的反射图像。对反射图像进行自适应的对比度拉伸,可以得到最终的去雾结果。-Proposed algorithm based on the image to fog mist mask subtraction. First, the degraded im
- Implementation of a Visual Attention Model according to paper : A model of saliency-based visual attention for rapid scene analysis
- CRAN的场景描述和未来的发展趋势的详细描述。英文的。-CRAN scene descr iption and a detailed descr iption of the development trend of the future.