- 主要介绍VHDL下,电子时钟、LCD、LED、电子琴,电梯等开发程序。-Introduces the VHDL, the electronic clock, LCD, LED, keyboard, elevator and other development programs.
- AMBA Application Note: AN151 - Using EB with example AXI Logic Tile. -AMBA Application Note: AN151- Using EB with example AXI Logic Tile. This example shows how to use the EB baseboard with an example AXI Logic Tile. The following board c
- FPGA学习的电子课件,PPT最全版,讲述详细,其中第八章还有对应工程的Verilog 代码便于实现调试与设计,并且是都是高级项目,多模块综合形成-FPGA electronic learning courseware, PPT most complete version, about the details, which also corresponds to Chapter VIII of engineering Verilog code debugging easy to implemen
- file contains the information about the quartus II tool
- altera公司退出的最新quartusii10.0的手册,使用说明。-The latest company to exit quartusii10.0 altera manuals, instructions for use.
- 来自于官方网站的quartus@II英文简介,详细细致地对该软件的操作做了说明,可以作为一手资料保存。-From the official website the quartus @ II English introduction, detailed to the software in meticulous detail operation, and explain as firsthand material can be preserved.
- 直序扩频通信发送部分的源代码,用verilog编的,包括信源模块、扩频模块、极性变换模块和DDS调制模块-Direct sequence spread spectrum communication sent part of the source code, compiled with verilog source modules, spread spectrum modules, polarity transform module and DDS modulation module
- FPGA NiosII 相关例程,Flash方面的和实验的几个例程,学习FPGA NIOSII 感兴趣的赶紧下载吧,编译通过,直接能用。-FPGA NiosII related routines, Flash and experimental aspects of several routines, learning FPGA NIOSII interested in quickly download it, compile, can be used directly.
- 这个设计范例使用 DE2-115 上的 VGA 输出、音频编解码芯片以及 TV 解码芯片( U6)播放 来自 DVD 播放器输出的视频和音频信号。 图 6-1 给出了设计的原理框图。系统主要由两个 模块组成,它们是 I2C_AV_Config 以及 TV_to_VGA 模块。 TV_to_VGA 模块由 ITU-R 656 解 码器, SDRAM 帧缓冲器, YUV422 转 YUV444, YcrCb 转 RGB 以及 VGA 控制器组成。 从 图中还可以看出,设计使用了 TV
- 在DE1-SOC上运行的verilog HDL代码,可以驱动VGA显示彩条。quartus II 14.0可以直接使用-Verilog HDL code running on DE1-SOC, can drive VGA display color bars. quartus II 14.0 can be used directly
- 针对OV7670视频采集和加水印功能,能够在显示屏上输出摄像头的画面并在画面任意位置添加水印(OV7670 video capture and watermark function)
- 采用DSP builder v9.1实现正交两路单频输出,已经在EP3C80上面跑通,经实际验证是正确的。此例程非常简洁明了,可以作为DSP builder的入门示例。里面已经包含了生成好的modelsim仿真示例和仿真结果。-Achieved using DSP builder v9.1 orthogonal two single-frequency output, has been run through the EP3C80 above, are proven to be correct.