- Title: simple P2P Gnutella code Descr iption: This is a simple P2P Gnutella code. This code connects to the Gnutella network and prints all queries it will receive This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source
- Title: Automatically Establish Dial-Up/RAS Connections Descr iption: Auto Connect Software is very small application to auto connect to your RAS or VPN services. For each connection, it checks to see if the connection is established, and if it isn
- crc校验法例子代码-crc check law code examples
- 群举法查询国际域名,包括.com .net后缀。可自定义包涵的前缀后缀-groups cite international law for domain names, including. Com. Net suffix. Self-definition includes the suffix prefix
- 你好文件有以下内容:如网络功能,及IP配法和上网及一系统新技术。-the following documents : such as network functions, and allocation of IP law and the Internet and a system of new technology.