- 单处理机调度包括时间片轮转法,短作业优先算法,动态优先算法。- The single processor dispatch rotates the law including the time piece, short work first algorithm, dynamic first algorithm.
- 哲学家问题演示 不会哦,副教授法是发生副教授法寄生蜂机发射机发生发生棵-philosopher Oh no demonstrated problem, law professor, associate professor of law occurred parasitoids machine transmitter happened happened with every tr
- 用于破解WINDOWS管理员口令的东西,密码穷举法。本程序是在单线程的基础上简单修改而得,未经严格测试,大家可以帮忙把该程序完善以下-for Windows administrators crack passwords things, the password exhaustive law. This procedure was threaded on the basis of simple changes derived, without rigorous testing, we can he
- 用JAVA实现的手机炸弹的源码!采用多线程机制!请注意,本程序作为学习java.net.url包的一个范例,请勿用做非法用途! * 如将本程序用作非法用途,所引起的一切后果本人概不负责!珍爱生命,请勿以身试法!-using JAVA mobile source bomb! Multi-threading mechanism! Please note that this procedure as a learning java.net.url example of a packet, Do not
- 编写并调试一个模拟的进程调度程序,采用“轮转法”调度算法对五个进程进行调度。 轮转法可以是简单轮转法、可变时间片轮转法,或多队列轮转法。 简单轮转法的基本思想是:所有就绪进程按 FCFS排成一个队列,总是把处理机分配给队首的进程,各进程占用CPU的时间片相同。如果运行进程用完它的时间片后还为完成,就把它送回到就绪队列的末尾,把处理机重新分配给队首的进程。直至所有的进程运行完毕。-prepared a simulation and debugging process sched
- 操作系统中银行家算法的演示程序,银行家算法是避免死锁的方法,避免死锁的法则是,系统在运行过程中,对于进程的每一种资源请求都要根据预掌握的资源使用信息,按照一定的算法,进行是否可能导致死锁的预测,以决定是否同意这一资源请求。这是向前看几步,知道保证不会导致死锁时再向前走一步的具有动态性质的预测算法。-operating system bankers algorithm Demonstration Program, bankers algorithm is a method to avoid dea
- 进程调度算法 本程序提供了以下几种进程调度方法 1、时间片轮询法 2、可强占优先法 3、非抢占算法 ,The process of scheduling algorithms This procedure provides the following types of process scheduling method 1, time piece polling method 2, can be forcibly priority law 3, non-preemptive algorithm
- 分别用轮转法和优先数调度算法编写的一个进程调度的小程序-Were used to rotate a number of law and the priority scheduling algorithm for scheduling a process to prepare a small program
- 进程管理之时间片转法程序,结合时间片轮转法来调度和管理进程的VC程序-Process management of time slice to law procedures, combined with the time slice scheduling rotation law of the VC process and management procedures
- 这个c程序是简单模拟进程调度,使用方法是简单轮转法和优先算法-C procedures for the simulation process is a simple scheduling, the use of a simple rotation law and the priority algorithm
- 可利用先来先服务、短作业优先、响应比高者优先、多级反馈队列模型、时间片轮转法等,来实现处理机的调度。-Available first come first serve, short job priority, the response is high and is preferred, multi-level feedback queue model, time slice rotation law, to achieve the processor scheduling.
- 处理机调度算法,模拟处理机对进程的调度算法,采用时间片轮转法-Processor scheduling algorithm, the simulated processor to process scheduling algorithm, using the rotation law of the time slice