- 高通滤波器,对图像进行高通滤波。采用opencv,包含二维理想高通滤波,2阶巴特沃思高通滤波,二维高斯高通滤波,增长率为2二维指数高通滤波-High-pass filters, high pass filter the image. Using opencv, including two-dimensional ideal high-pass filter, 2-order Butterworth high pass filter, two-dimensional Gaussian high p
- 实现人脸检测 主要是针对裸露肌肤检测,从而实现对*图像的过滤,用了rgb,hsv,ycrcb,纹理检测等多种方法,可以运行,效果不错-Implementation of face detection is mainly directed against the bare skin testing, in order to achieve the filtering of pornographic images, using the rgb, hsv, ycrcb, texture detect
- opencv例子里没有提供cvsnakeimage的使用方法,在此整理一个例子,可以形象的看看snake算法的结果,大致做法是: 首先设定域值分割,把基本的轮廓找出来,见图中蓝色轮廓线,再将轮廓点传入cvSnakeImage函数,计算出绿色的snake轮廓线。 其中参数alpha代表点相互靠拢的权值(0-1.0),beta表示弯曲能量(越小越容易弯曲)(0-1.0),gamma表示整体能量(0-1.0)。其中参数我自己也不确定具体的范围,最好自己更改不同的范围试试. -o
- 用四阶PDE(是对各向异性扩散去噪算法的修正)来做图像去噪的C程序-Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equations for Noise Removal
- 这是一个基于OPENCV,寻找运动目标轮廓,以实现视频流的运动目标检测为目的Delphi例子。 并带有Delphi与OpenCv的编程接口。-This is based on OPENCV, search for moving object silhouette in order to achieve video streaming of moving target detection for the purpose of Delphi examples. OpenCv with Delphi
- 利用OPENCV做图像的傅里叶变换以达到对图像的降噪处理-OPENCV done using the Fourier transform of the image in order to achieve noise reduction of the image
- 图像域的填充,该程序给出了不同算法的实现,以便对不同的应用场合有所了解-Image domain of the fill, the program gives the realization of different algorithms in order to understand the different applications
- In this project, we are going to develop an intelligent video surveillance system for a car park. The system monitors the client’s car park 24 hours and 7 days a week. In order to reduce the workload of the security officers, we need to develop an al
- 这是一本由刘瑞祯、于仕琪编著的《OpenCV教程.基础篇》的书的历程,由本人总结整理,非常有用。-This is a book by Liu Rui Chen, Yu Shi Qi compiled the " OpenCV tutorial. Basics" book of history, I concluded by the order, very useful.
- this code allow us to use filter in order to process with image
- 在本教程中,我們將提出一個 O(nm)的碰撞檢測算法,適用於檢測精確三維模型之間的碰撞含N和M三角形。 不過,如果你需要檢查碰撞更複雜的對象,你可以隨時創建中間包圍盒,降低了算法的順序。-In this tutorial, we will propose an O (nm) of the collision detection algorithm for accurate detection of the collision between three-dimensional model wit
- OPENCV人脸识别并按照标定的点的顺序输出坐标-OPENCV face recognition and in accordance with the order of the output calibration point coordinates
- 一个视频处理软件,功能: (1)读取给定视频文件,提取帧率,并按照秒为单位将视频保存为连续的多幅图像。如:帧率为25fps的话,则每秒钟存储25幅图像,秒钟的序号作为不同文件夹名称。 (2)对第i秒钟的图像序列,随机选取其中的n幅(n为随机输入变量,不同的i对应的n也不同,显然n<原始帧率)。 (3)对(2)中选取出来的所有图像,按时间顺序生成视频。新视频的帧率为(随机选取出的图像总数/原始视频的时长)。 -A video processing software, feat
- 基于三种插值方法同时应用的图像变换程序,采用OpenCV读写图形,可以实现图像部分错位,而且可以随意更改坐标变换函数以达到需要的效果。-Interpolation method based on three applications of the same image transformation process, the image part of the dislocation can be achieved, and can change the coordinate transforma
- this a source code developped with OpenCV and c++, it takes a colored picture in input, turns it channels from 3 to 1 (conversion to grey scalled picture) and applies diffrent filters (gaussian, laplacien,smooth filter...) and shows each result in a
- 1. 首先把兩張圖讀進來,求出高與寬和設定time的最大值 2. 利用atan()這個數學函式算出角度,以圖的中心為基準width/2和height/2 把x,y帶入atan(-(y-height/2)/(x-width/2))*180/PI - 當求出的角度<隨著時間比例變的角度,則將新的圖覆蓋到舊的圖 - 反之,用舊的圖覆蓋舊的圖 3. 但是,這會產生一個問題,因為斜率一樣,且atan()求出的角度範圍只有-90~90度,所以一三象限或者二四象限會發生同時wi
- 基于贝叶斯的分类器设计.用“cancer.mat”的数据作为训练样本集,建立Bayes分类器,用测试样本数据对该分类器进行测试,从而加深对所学内容的理解和感性认识。-Based on the Bayes classifier. ' Cancer.mat data as the training sample set, the establishment of the Bayes classifier, the classifier is tested with the test sampl
- 基于OpenCV的车辆轮廓检测为了获得理想的车辆轮廓线,提出了一种基于开源计算机视觉库OpenCV的轮廓检测新方法。首先对图像迸行形态 学去噪、平滑滤波处理和二值化阈值分割等预处理,获得二值化黑白图像。然后通过轮廓提取和跟踪检测到车辆外轮廓线。 在VC++6.0环境下,利用Opener编程实现了此方法。-Proposed a new method of contour detection based on open source computer vision library OpenCV Op
- 每次新建一个项目,Visyal Studio并不知道OpenCV相关库和头文件所在的位置,所以每次都要为项目指定,但这显然非常麻烦啰嗦。 为此,创建了PropertySheet,即:OpenCVProjectPropertiesD和OpenCVProjectPropertiesR以便可以让以后的项目重复使用。含说明文档-Every time a new project, Visyal Studio does not know the OpenCV library and header fil
- 此电子书为opencv函数的极好的参考书,在编程序的时候可以随时查阅,为做图像处理,计算机视觉的有效武器。-This book is an excellent reference opencv function in programmed when you can access at any time, in order to do image processing, computer vision and effective weapons.