- iis安装缺少的文件方便你操作不用找了,值得收藏-iis install the missing file operations you do not find convenient, worthy of collection
- 一个用svg做的工作流的东西,我是搞java开发的,这个弄得是asp这块的,看不懂,发上来共享下,Svg with a flow of work to do things, I was engaged in the development of java, the result is a piece of the asp, can not read, the table to share
- VB 实现 IObjSafety 接口 IE不再提示安全-VB interface to IE will not achieve IObjSafety safety tips
- IP包捕获工具,MFC~界面不是特完美但够用~-IP CAPTURE,though it is not perfect but can work out well
- 网上有很多关于COM技术控制网页的例子,但是都没有网页提交的内容,该代码也是网上下的,经过我改了下,可以自动搜索百度、谷歌、搜狗、-Online There are many examples of COM technology, Web-based control, but have not submitted content page, the code is under the line, after I changed, it can automatically search for B
- 修改内容: 1,原来sample取出excel时是使用的Unicode编码。导致插入mysql时也写入unicode 现在把Unicod编码转换成GBK后再在网页上显示及写入数据库.此部分修改的是U2html这个function。 2,打 开数据库连接后增加 set Names gbk 3,默认选中把excel的第一列作为字段名 4,默认不选中如果存在表则删除选项 5,原来对表名及字段名有过滤掉一些字符如"-",现在则取消了这个过滤,我觉得
- 垃圾软件屏蔽工具 功能: 屏蔽弹出广告。 最新话到托盘。 开发原由: 使用uusee,pps等工具看电影时,屏蔽掉垃圾广告,以免影响看电影的心情。 使用方法2种: 1.修改配置文件:config.ini 2.add 窗口标题-Shielding spam software tool features: screen pop-up ads. Last words to the tray. Development of Reasons: Use uusee, pps
- Extended web browser control for .NET 1.01.1 The next version of the .NET framework features a comprehensive wrapper class for the Microsoft Web Browser control - a COM control that is used by IE and is embedded into Explorer. This new control feat
- FlashSelector - Block Flash selectively Introduction When Ad Flash is flying over the browser and blocking the contents that you wish to read, it is really annoying. There had been quite lots different approach to block Flash but we were not able
- 一款VB写的多页面浏览器,目前还有一点小问题没有解决(就是选项卡有问题,正在解决中)其它都还不错,想写浏览器的朋友不妨拿去参考一下!-VB to write a multi-page browser, there are still a small problem is not resolved (tab is there is a problem being addressed) Other are still good friends to write browser may wish to
- VB用于下载文件,很好的一个例子,但不是很智能.性能需要优化.-VB for downloading files, a very good example, but not very smart. Need to optimize performance.
- atlapp的所有头文件,如果您还没有的可以在这里下载-atlapp all the header files, if you can not download
- some stl stuff version 3, is pretty random, not very useful
- MyIE的源码,没有去仔细看。想写浏览器的可以-MyIE source, did not go to a closer look at. Write browser can look at
- This is a CGI not an ISAPI (is simple to convert). It browse a directory containing JPGs and building dinamically thumbnails
- 一段ASP防采集的代码,防止搜索引擎搜索到站长不想展示的网页。-Anti-acquisition period of ASP code, to prevent the search engine to the owners do not want to display web pages.
- pluck是一个小型简单的内容管理系统,由PHP写成.即使你没有编程语言知识.也可以用它来很容易地管理站点. 用它你可以做 1,在你的页面里插入照片- 2,在你的blog里面写文章 3,用album-option来和世界各地的朋友分享你最爱的照片和相片 4,通过页面上的email表单你可以和你站点访客保持联系 5,更改站点信息,使其更利于搜索引擎 6,下载并安装新的主题,使你的站点拥有一个新的感觉 7,一个美丽的关于访客的流量统计表 8,以你自己的语言编辑你的网页
- 企业信使 实现局域网文件传输、广播。存在一个问题 无法关闭 应该是将close消息屏蔽了 没研究-Enterprise LAN messenger file transfer, broadcast. There is a problem can not be closed should not be blocked news of close
- 上传组件问题(错误 ASP 0104 80004005 不允许操作)-Upload component problems (error ' ASP 0104 80004005' Operation not permitted)
- VC++在IE工具栏中加入一个图标,不懂的朋友可以下载这个示例程序,你会从中学到方法,现在的不少软件像迅雷、MSN、网际快车等,在安装完成后都会在IE的工具栏中加入一个图标,以方便用户使用软件,其实这种功能不赞成使用,如果每个人都把自己的软件添加这么一个功能,那IE的工具栏岂不是太热闹了? -VC++ to add a toolbar in the IE icon, but not the friends can download the sample program, you will l