- 这个程序包含四个屏保程序,当这个程序运行时,当鼠标在任何一个地方点左键的时候,一种颜色的球就从鼠标点激的位置开始移动,并且沿着屏幕边缘运动,而且每次移动的球的颜色不是完全一样的.-this procedure includes four screensaver, when the program runs, when the mouse at any point where a button when a ball on the color of the mouse from point Sho
- 小弟發現大部分的筆記型電腦將其螢幕蓋上的時候並沒有關閉螢幕電源,只是將其亮度調暗,您可以測試看看一般筆記型電腦螢幕下方有個小按鈕可以壓,壓下去的時候螢幕亮度將減低,但是仍然沒有關閉電源,如此長久下來將浪費大量的電費並造成螢幕的損壞,因此小弟想要利用作業系統提供的電源配置方式讓電腦自動斷電,但是這樣還是有些小問題因為必須設定一段時間沒有使用電腦才自動斷電,如果設定 10 分鐘斷電,那麼有 9 分多鐘的電費就浪費了,而且發現執行某些程式的時候系統無法偵測空閒狀態,造成無法自動斷電的後果,因此寫了這個
- 一个用C#编写的屏幕保护程序。动画不规律出现,达到屏幕保护功能-a C# prepared by the screen saver. There is not animation law, the protection function to screen
- 用C#制作字幕显示屏幕保护,窗体运行后无边界,不显示在任务栏上-C# produced subtitles display screen protection, the form after running no borders, not displayed on the task bar
- 这是一个蜘蛛侠的屏保,看上去很逼真,不信就下去试试。-This is a screensaver of Spider-Man, he looked very realistic, the letter does not continue to try.
- vc++的挂机锁屏系统,可以锁定你的计算机,别人无法操作,需要知道口令才可以-vc++ to hang up the lock screen system, you can lock your computer, others can not, you need to know the password can
- 圣诞树屏幕保护程序 圣诞到了,在这里居主祝福大家圣诞快乐,能和美国佬一样有个开心的夜晚。 整理了一个圣诞树屏幕保护程序,可以随机生成圣诞树,包括设定圣诞树密集度、高度、宽度,以及显示速度等。屏幕包含编译是可以根据命令行来运行对应的功能,如预览模式、屏保模式、设置对话框窗口。-Good source, the interface is beautiful. Download as soon as we learn ah, can not miss
- 如果暂时要离开一会儿,而又不希望别人动你的电脑,可以将桌面锁定,这样别人想解除锁定,就必须输入密码才行-If you temporarily want to leave for a while, and do not want others to move your computer, the desktop can be locked so that other people want to unlock, you must enter the password the job
- 相信很多人都见过泡泡屏保吧,很多人也许就在用,确实很漂亮,不过大家又没有想过怎么用C++代码写出来呢? 看下面的代码。-I believe a lot of people have seen it bubble screen, a lot of people may be in use, is indeed very beautiful, but the U.S. has not thought about how to use C++ code to write out? Look the f
- 以把直接数字频率合成(DDS)看成这样一种技术,它能用数字值形式的信号控制正弦波的频率。最简单的DDS电路包括一个二进制计数器,一个以等间隔正弦波值进行全波编程的ROM,以及一个数模转换器,用于将存储的正弦波值转换为电压。计数器的时钟频率决定了正弦波的频率,但这 -To the Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) as such a technology, it can use the digital value of the form of the frequen
- canon公司的屏幕保护工具,内容是canon公司的顶级镜头,无需注册,直接安装,无需重启.-canon' s screen saver tool, which is the company' s top canon lens, are not required to register, direct installation, no need to restart.
- 简单的屏幕保护程序。功能比较鸡肋,我也不太清楚-Simple screen saver. Function more tasteless, I' m not sure
- Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory You should upload at least five sourcecodes/documents. (up
- 屏幕保护程序,十秒不按键自动进入屏幕保护程序,按任意键退出-Screen saver, 10 seconds does not automatically enter the screen saver key, press any key to exit
- HOOK挂机锁,可以在您离开电脑时锁定电脑,不被他人操作.-HOOK hook lock can lock the computer when you leave the computer, not another operation.
- 这是本人写的一个屏幕保护程序,这是课设写的,手法并不是特别先进,希望有需要的朋友用得上,大家一起交流学习。-I write this is a screen saver, which is set to write the lesson, the way is not particularly advanced, hope to have a friend in need apply, we share with learning.
- vc++的挂机锁屏系统,相信这个大家都不陌生吧,可以锁定你的计算机,别人无法操作,需要知道口令才可以,S本软件不但功能完善,而且界面友好,仿QQ的界面,CcTry.Com截图所示,还会适时弹出操作提示,更加人性化,可以专用于网吧或个人办公计算机,开始挂机后,显示挂机时间,而且还可以用屏幕键盘输入密码和隐藏窗口(类似QQ),本程序还涉及一些注册表的操作,当关闭本程序时,会释放注册表。 -vc++ to hang up the lock screen system, I believe that
- MFC屏幕保护系统CPP课程设计,完全用mfc编写适合不太会用C++的同学看-MFC screen saver CPP course design, complete with mfc are not very good preparation for students to see C++
- VC++屏幕保镖,也就是常见的锁屏程序,保护你的计算机在你离开的时候不受别人干扰,这是实现的源代码,另外它的界面是不是很漂亮,这也是这个小程序的亮点哦。 -VC++ screen guard, which is the common lock-screen procedures to protect your computer when you leave from another interference, which is the source code, while its inter
- 此实例是一个相册屏幕保护程序,图像前后显示的位置都不相同。-This example is a photo album screen saver, images before and after the display position is not the same.