- When creating applications with a complex view layout, there are several features that are missing from MFC. First, each type of view layout is created differently (simple view vs. splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple view layout does not need any a
- When creating applications with a complex view layout, there are several features that are missing from MFC. First, each type of view layout is created differently (simple view vs. splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple view layout does not need any a
- 图形学编程 设计三维物体 不理解内容联系我们 一定相告-design three-dimensional graphics programming objects do not understand the contents of links we say so
- 你不可能有的CAD读写程序,主要用于打开CAD产生的各种文件,如:dwg,dwf等,可以提取图章信息-You can not have program for reading CAD,but you can open all kinds of files made by CAD, such as dwg,dwf etc. you get the information of picture
- java开发的三维引擎 很适合初学者,代码很少,却有劲想不到的用处-java development of the 3D engine is suitable for beginners, code rarely, but can not think of the usefulness of interesting
3d游戏编程 杨青著 源码
- 这个是3D游戏编程 杨青著 书中的源码 很多朋友都找不到它 我把它放上来 -This is a 3D game programming Yang Qing with the source book many friends I have not found it it Fangshanglai
- 显示三维图形的过程中,不仅要将它投影到二维平面上,还要确定一个视见体,在投影之前对物体进行裁剪,只显示我们感兴趣的那部分图形。-show 3D process, it should not only two-dimensional projection of the plane, but also to determine see as a body, the projector right before cutting objects, only shows that we are inter
- 一个大规模地形现实和纹理映射的程序,从国外网站下载的,一般的机器根本跑不动,标准C编写,多平台可编译,供大家学习。-a large-scale topographic reality and texture mapping procedures from abroad website and general machinery simply could not, the standard C preparation, multi-platform can be compiled for the
- 一些Maya 的3D 模型,不知道要如何才能转成 X 文件,那些插件好像都不好用-some Maya 3D model, I do not know how I could turn into X documents, those do not seem useful plug-in
- 基于Java3D的模型动画引擎,请用eclipse+Java3D环境。2005年初编写。附带毕业设计论文一篇。注意不要抄袭,这个发表过的。可以导入3d max模型,进行动画设计。附带几个简单的动画例子。-Java3D-based model animation engine, please use the eclipse Java3D environment. Early in 2005 the preparation. Fringe graduation thesis a design. Ta
- 这是一个用于java3d的自然景物编写程序,可能运行效果不是很好,基本可以用于参考-This is a natural for java3d features programming, operating results may not be very good. basic can be used for reference
- 站长还不让我下载代码,那我就再上传一个关于HOOOPS的学习 原版英文文档。请站长高抬贵手阿-head not let me download code, then I would have to upload a HOOOPS on learning English original documents. Please spare the head of A
- DELPHI人事管理部分,为何要上传呢,搞不懂-DELPHI Personnel Management, why should upload it, do not understand.
- 骨骼动画,介绍骨骼动画的加载和创建方法,如果不能运行请与我联系,jarod-jerry@163.com-skeletal animation, skeletal animation on the loading method and the creation of, if not run, please contact me. jarod-jerry@163.com
- 这个程序(omni.com)是97年的Mekka ’97 4K Intro比赛的一等奖作品。整个程序全长409 5字节,其中包含133字节的自解压程序(类RAR压缩),未解压的程序长4782字节。三维场景包含144个立方体,367个面,362个点,15个不同的64*64的纹理-this procedure (omni.com) is the Mekka 97 4K Intro'97 game the first prize entries. The entire procedure
- 内置虑镜功能,包括获取图像的属性,锐化,模糊,浮雕等功能.可以缩放,优化图片.打开图片带预览功能,使用了gdiplus,能处理gif,bmp,jpg,png图片,处理速度也不错-consider mirror embedded functions, including access to the image attributes, sharpening, blurring, relief and other functions. Can zoom, photo optimization. Pho
- 游戏开发导引第七章源码,三角形面的绘制,书很好,BaiDu上搜不到源码的,故上传,太大了(总共10多兆)下载困难,只好分开传-game development Seeker Chapter VII source, triangular surface mapping, a good book, portal not found on the source code, upload it, too (a total of more than 10 trillion) download diffic
- 游戏开发导引第八章源码,立体面的绘制,书很好,BaiDu上搜不到源码的,故上传,太大了(总共10多兆)下载困难,只好分开传-game development Seeker Chapter VIII source, three-dimensional surface rendering, a very good book, not found on the portal source code, Upload it, too (a total of more than 10 trillion) d
- 游戏开发导引第十章源码,纹理贴图,书很好,BaiDu上搜不到源码的,故上传,太大了(总共10多兆)下载困难,只好分开传,原本该网站只有1-5章内容-game development Seeker Chapter 10 source, texture mapping, a good book, not found on the portal source code, Upload it, too (a total of more than 10 trillion) download difficu
- 游戏开发导引第11章源码,颜色混合,书很好,BaiDu上搜不到源码的,故上传,太大了(总共200兆)难下载,只好分开传,原本该网站只有1-5章内容-game development Seeker Chapter 11 of the source code, color mixing, a good book, not found on the portal source code, Upload it, too (total 200 megabytes) hard to download, bu