- 可以画直线、矩形、圆形和椭圆形。不可以画三角形和多边形。没有橡皮擦。-picturesque linear, rectangular, round and oval. Not painted triangle and polygon. No eraser.
- 个人编写的小程序,实现圆弧画图和插补,未进行规格化,如果有人能帮忙进一步优化,将不甚感激!-A program which programed by myself could bring about circular arc drawing and interpolation.But it is not standardized.I am be very grateful for whom optimize it futherly.
- 现场总线技术文档及其详细说明,本文转载,未经原作者许可,不得用于商业及其他用途-fieldbus technical documentation and detail, the paper reprinted, without permission from the original author, and may not be used for commercial and other uses
- 支持基本绘图、多种格式图形显示、鼠标操 作、扩展内存和扩充内存的操作、时钟、音频播放、多种字体的汉字及英文显示等等特性;更激动人心的是, 它可以工作于TURBO C库函数无法达到的高分辨率下(比如800X600、1024X768甚至1280X1024);而且,它 支持8位、15位和16位三种色深!-support basic graphics, multiple format graphics, mouse operation, expandable memory and memor
- 这个类库可以处理BMP、GIF、PCX、TGA、JPG、TIF格式的图像文件,而且具有图像点处理、图像区域处理的功能,你所要做的只是调用函数而已,不必清楚这些图像文件的内部格式。-the library can handle BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, JPG, TIF format image files, and images with point processing, image processing functions regional, you have to do it
- 最近做的图形学作业,做的不是很好,但是注释很详细,比较容易看懂-Graphics recently conducted operations do is not very good, but very detailed notes, it was relatively easy to read
- 用的是vc++编译的。有序抖动算法。这个代码是和同学一起做的。刚开始作,感觉很难,什么都不懂,现在感觉好多了。-the vc + + is compiled. Orderly dithering algorithm. This code is and classmates do. For the beginning, I feel very difficult, we do not understand anything, but now feel much better.
- 手把手教你了解BMP图形文件结构,C语言文件读写函数应用,一般数据处理方法,如果看不懂,说明我写的还不够具体,以后继续改进.-Maxivista you know BMP graphics structure of the document, document literacy C language function applications, generally data processing methods, if they did not understand that I was als
- 这是一个非常有用的一画曲线的源程序,不要错过这个好程序,下载看一下会对你有所帮助的-This is a very useful one painting curve of the source, should not miss this good procedures, Download would you look at the help
- vb不规则区域的填充源码 vb不规则区域的填充源码 vb不规则区域的填充源码-vb irregular regions fill vb source of irregular regions fill irregular source vb source in the region filled vb irregular regions fill vb source of the irregular region filled vb source of irregular regions fil
- “我不伤心图片上传程序‘具有很好的上传功能,大家都来试一下 -"I do not feel sad picture upload procedures' have a good upload function, we have to try something
- autocad预览控件.不需要安装autocad即可在界面浏览-autocad preview control. Autocad can not install the browser interface
- 实现简单功能的绘图器,不知刚才有没上传成功,重新上传一次-simple function of the plotters, I wonder if there are not just upload successful, a re-upload
- 这是一个基于jfreechart的饼图程序,主要特点是不在服务器端生成图片文件,直接在用户端显示图片,解决了大量用户访问时造成的写文件冲突,另外可减轻服务器的负荷-based jfreechart pie procedures, the main characteristic is not server-generated image files, directly in the client showed photographs, addressed many users visit the
- matlab编程,分析电磁场的有力工具,功能和ansys类似但不必学他,而且信息较详细-Matlab programming, a powerful electromagnetic field analysis tools, functions and Ansys similar but not learn from him. but more detailed information
- 学vb时自己编的,算是个小的课程设计。模拟桌面,内容主要是个画图板。在开始--附件--画图,可不是调用的。-when their school vb series, is a small design courses. Desktop simulation, which is a major drawing board. In the beginning -- Annex -- drawing, is not called.
- 好大大的,很好用,我喜欢,下吧,别犹豫,hehe、-much good, useful, I like it, are you, do not hesitate, hehe, check check
- 使用c 语言画图 本代码为一个简单的模拟界面 由于技术有限 所以质量不高-use of the language code for drawing a simple simulation interface so limited because of technical quality is not high
- 实验内容: 1 实现扫描转换多边形的算法填充多边形。 实现内容: 1, 可以画任意多边形。 2, 三角形也是通过扫描转换多边形的算法实现。 具体实现: 画多边形用moveto(),lineto(),两个函数实现画没一条边。 构造ET表,AEL表,通过这两个表填充多边形。 画图步骤: 1. 取顶点:用n记录顶点个数,按下鼠标开始取点,第二次按下取得第二个顶点,第i次按下取得第i 个顶点。取得的顶点放到Verex[]中。 2. 画多边形:按下菜单按钮----多
- 是一个用java编写的绘图程序 界面比较简单,有的功能并不是很完善 -java is prepared using a graphics interface procedures are relatively simple, functional is not perfect