Affine Transformation02
- The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting t
在VisualC 中不依赖MATLAB环境调用其函数的方法
- 这是一个关于在VisualC中不依赖MATLAB环境调用其函数的方法,只使用VC的编程环境就能实现- This is about does not rely on the MATLAB environment in VisualC to transfer its function the method, only uses VC the programming environment to be able to realize
Intel Image Processing Library
- 这个是Intel公司的图像处理库,和微软的风格不太一样-This is Intel's image processing library, and Microsoft's style not the same
- AppWizard has created this KaraokeDemo application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.-AppWizard has created this KaraokeD
- 看pdf等的电子书,白底黑字看时间长了不舒服,想换成其他颜色的 有时候网上看到的图片or网页背景黑糊糊的,保存下来再处理才看得清... 功能: 0.scr ipt自定义处理流程 处理由系统热键触发. 1.双击scr ipt的编辑框显示的提示: Y , y : Yes //写屏 N , n : No 0 : XGrey //Grey 1 : One //取反 2 : Two //二值化 3 : XRGB //RGB亮度调节 4 : XE
- 计算8连通区数量 利用深度优先遍历,并对同一8连通区进行标记,当遇到不属于同一连通区且灰度符合要求的则计数加1,分别考察一个点周围的八个点。-8 COMPONENTS calculated using the number of depth-first traversal, and the same eight areas marked connectivity, when they do not belong to the same gray zone, connectivity to m
- 统计灰度图象二值化后不连通区域的像素树木和中心位置-statistical gray image after two values not connected region trees and the pixel center
- 请一定要上载质量高而且本站没有的源码 -Requests must be of high quality on the site but not the source code must be requested on the site of high quality but not the source Requests must be of high quality on the site but not the source
- 《管状换热器计算机辅助设计系统ExhCAD绘图系统(版本:1.01a Final)》为自由软件,采用增量软件开发模型,并用UML对软件进行 建模,以便更新。 该版本只是对换热器的最简单的形式做出设计,而且程序在计算 (包括设计、校核两部分,其中校核部分未编)、绘图过程中都作了简 化,虽然采用了参数化绘图,并能进行简单的数据管理,但没有考虑 换热器的插入件、安装(待编)等因素的影响,特别是在绘图中用 Automatuion技术绘制了管子部分,并对一些常
- 用visual basic编写的一个夜里下雪的程序.程序不长,可以参考一下.-using visual basic preparation of a night of snow procedures. Procedures not long for reference.
- 用matlab写的分水岭算法用于图像分割写的不是很好有需要的看看吧-using Matlab was a watershed for image segmentation algorithm was not very good in need and let's see it
- 黄沙不识英雄路,醉若桑秋去无归. 只待红颜浅一笑,生死两茫皆无诲. 聊流-Huangsha know not heroes, if Arizona drunk to go to the autumn. Once the shallow roots of laughter, life and death are not two bewildered and violence. Chat flow
- 哥们图像边缘检测与特征提取的毕业设计,包括全部经典算法,还有他自己的改进,VC6下测试通过。(这个改进我不是很懂,不要问我!:))-Miners Edge detection and feature extraction graduate design, including all classic algorithms, and his own improvement, VC6 under test. (This I do not know very much about improvement
- 一个演示图像融合操作的非常完美的源程序,不仅界面漂亮,还能更换皮肤,但最突出的就是功能强大,包括主成份变换、三角HIS变换等八种常用的图像融合变换技术。-a demonstration of the operation of Image Fusion is the perfect source, not only beautiful interface, but also the replacement of the skin, However, the most outstanding is
- 这是一个关于图象处理的小程序,内含直方图,镜像等图象处理的功能,功能不是很完整-This is an image processing on the small program includes histogram, such as mirror image processing functions, function is not complete
- 图像处理的程序实现,基于matlab,但是没有直接采用matlab的相关语句。 内容包括:1.图像灰度直方图的显示、灰度直方图的计算 2.图像的几何变换——水平镜像图、垂直镜像图、水平错切图、垂直错切图 3.图像的平滑、锐化滤波 4.图像的阈值分割 运行程序的main函数,根据提示进行操作即可 -image processing program, based on Matlab, But not directly related to the use of Matlab statemen
- 本程序用MFC编写,运用了书本上的灰度拉伸和中值滤波的知识对图像进行处理。 实现功能如下: 灰度拉伸的变亮和变暗(对8位24位图有效): 运用了幂次变换。分别是s = r2 和s = r1/2 . 反色(对8位24位图有效): s = 1 - r 中值滤波(对8位图有效): 对3×3网格进行滤波处理,边沿的1圈像素没有处理。 复原(对8位24位图有效): 将图像还原成未处理前的数据。-the procedures used to prep
- 《计算机图形学》课件,不错啊。别处没有的-"Computer Graphics" courseware, ah well. Not elsewhere
- 使用vc编写的一个harris角点检测程序 希望有用 没有解压密码-use vc harris prepared in a corner detection procedures hope not extract useful Password
- 对一幅图进行选择,但是旋转的过程不插值。这样和插值的旋转可以有更深刻的理解-To choose a picture, but the process of rotating not interpolation. Such and interpolation rotation can have a more profound understanding