- 计算机视觉的多视几何,在机器视觉中有很好的应用,尤其是计算机测量方面。很好的入门资料-Computer Vision many as geometry, in machine vision applications is very good, especially computer measurement. Good introductory information on
- COM Component designed to make full screen scrolling maps easy, especially from Visual Basic. This is the VC++ 6.0 source code of the graphics engine
- Feature extraction is a key issue in contentbased image retrieval (CBIR). In the past, a number of texture features have been proposed in literature, including statistic methods and spectral methods. However, most of them are not able to accu
- pspice的使用教程,很适合适合初学者参阅-the material will tell you how to use pspice,it is especially useful to new learners
- 新一代多普勒天气雷达系统基于对气象和自然灾害的准确预警而产生的。主要应用在于对灾害性天气,特别是与风害相伴随的灾害性天气的监测和预警。它还可以进行较大范围降水的定量估测,获取降水和降水云体的风场结构。-A new generation of Doppler weather radar system is based on the accuracy of weather and natural disasters, early warning generated. Main application
- 这些文章是关于IT方面的知识,希望给大家一些指导,特别是学生。-The article is about the IT knowledge, want to give you some guidance, especially students.
- 分析了在超宽带通信系统中的扩频干扰,并用两种通用的调制技术实现了对提出的抗干扰方法的仿真-he ultra wideband (UWB) interference to direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) receiver is analyzed. Two popular UWB modulation schemes, the time hopping pulse position modulat
- 生物传感技术的主要应用以及主要是在大脑记忆方面的研究,对于人脑的分析尤其是在记忆方面的研究现状以及前景有了详细的介绍-The main application of bio-sensor technology and the main memory in brain research, for the analysis of the human brain, especially in memory of the research status and future with detail
- Economic loss estimation for earthquake hazard in Istanbul-Natural hazards, especially earthquakes, cause disasters when they hit large settlements such as metropolitan areas. After the first shock, the damage is counted by deaths and injuries. In a
- 人类有几千年的历史,计算机从产生到现在只不过50多年,而网络的迅速发展也不过10年的时间。但是,计算机和网络对社会的影响已经迅速扩大,甚至在改变人们的生活。特别是90年代以来,多媒体和网络技术的飞速发展正在以惊人的速度改变着人们的工作方式、交往方式和生活方式。正像著名的未来学家尼葛洛庞帝(1997)所说的:“数字不再只和计算有关,它决定我们的生存。”科学技术是第一生产力,是最先进的生产力。现在,已经没有人怀疑信息技术的发展将会引起人类社会全面和深刻的变革,使人类社会由工业社会迈向信息社会。目前,
- 随着Internet和Intranet应用的飞速发展,COM(Component Object Model,组件对象模型)以其巨大的潜力渗透到软件学科的各个领域。在Windows操作平台下,众多以COM形式提供的组件模块,如DirectX多媒体软件包、OLE DB/ADO数据库组件系统等,极大地丰富了操作系统的功能。由于COM机制允许任意两组件之间相互通信而不必关心是在何种计算机上的何种操作系统下运行,也不用关心组件是使用何种语言编制的,这使COM技术拥有了强大的生命力。尤其是Windows 2
- google研究院吴军写的《数学之美》和《浪潮之巅》。《数学之美》讲的是一些数学模型的实际应用,特别是在搜索算法上的应用。 《浪潮之巅》介绍了20世纪以来几个统治行业的大佬公司的兴衰史,在同时揭示了IT行业的一些发展规律。全书高清,字体大。再加上作者的优美文笔,读起来很顺畅,很舒服。读起来后就会舍不得放下。 -Google research institute of wu jun write the mathematical beauty "and" the top of the wav
- 数字水印的研究综述,学习水印必备,尤其对于刚刚接触者。-Research of the digital watermark , learn the watermark essential , especially for just contacts .
- This paper deals with the problem of power quality estimation in ship systems during their exploitation stage. The exemplary results of experimental research have been shown and present rules concerning power quality in ship’s networks have bee
- Electrical power systems are one of the most complex large scale systems. Over the past decades, with deregulation and increasing demand in many countries, power systems have been operated in a stressed condition and subject to higher risks of
- 人是社会发展最基本的要素。随着人类社会的不断推进,世界人口呈上升的趋势。尤其是近几十年来在发展中国家,由于社会、政治方面较为稳定,各国努力发展自身经济,使得居民的生活水平不断提高,生活条件日益改善,从而导致社会总人口持续增长。-Man is the most basic elements of social development. With the continuous progress of human society, the world' s population was an u
- In This paper, the authors propose a Sensorless Direct Torque and Flux Control (DTFC) of Induction Motor (IM) using two approach intelligent techniques: Mamdani Fuzzy Logic (FL) controller is used for controlling the rotor speed and Artificial Ne
- 《Introduction to Modern Cryptography》是一本介绍现代密码学理论与实践的教程。有国外著名学者Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell撰写,是密码学界不可多得资料。-This book presents the basic paradigms and principles of modern cryptography. It is designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate- or
- this paper is about 2D simulation of depostion growth.it is very simple,but usefull,especially for the beginner.
- This documents describes the CFD in Design and Development of Heat Exchangers.Especially, in this study there are various turbulence models. Also, this material shows surface configurations of plate heat exchangers - cross-corrugated surfaces.