- 一个关于B树结构的详细介绍,尤其是在数据库中利用其实现索引功能-B tree structure of a detailed introduction, especially in the database using its indexing realize
- CANopen 协议标准,主要用于通讯方面,尤其是在汽车通讯方面应用比较广泛-CANopen protocol standards, mainly for communications, especially in the automotive application of a comprehensive range of communications
- 提取HTML代码中文字的C#函数在做一些网站(特别是bbs之类)时,经常会有充许用户输入html样式代码,却禁止脚本的运行的需求, 以达到丰富网页样式,禁止恶意代码的运行。-Extraction of HTML code in the C# language function to do at some website (especially bbs like) often will allow the user to enter html code style, but to prohibit
- 遗传算法是一种模拟自然界生物进化的搜索算法,由于它简单易行,鲁 棒性强,尤其是其不需要专门的领域知识而仅用适应度函数作评价来指导搜 索过程,从而使它的应用范围极为广泛,并且己在众多领域得到了实际应用, 取得了许多令人瞩目的成果,引起广大学者和工程人员的关注。- The genetic algorithm is a kind of searching method which simulates the natural evolution. It is simple and ea
- sobel算子 自己编的函数 不是运用的库函数 非常有用 尤其对刚学习图像边缘提取的-sobel operator is not a function of own use of the library function is very useful especially for just learning of image edge extraction
- 波束成型技术的资料,特别适合初学者作为启蒙。-Beamforming information technology, especially suitable for beginners as the Enlightenment.
- 可调渐亮,渐暗,性能超强,通俗易懂,对初学者非常有用,特别是灯控电路-Adjustable gradually bright, dimming, performance is strong, easy to understand, very useful for beginners, especially in light control circuit
- Progressive coding, another feature of the JPEG 2000 standard, means that the bit stream can be coded in such a way as to contain less-detailed information at the beginning of the stream and more detailed information as the stream progresses. This ma
- 数值优化 尤其是正在学习遗传算法的学生,本例基于MATLAB。-Numerical optimization, especially students who are learning genetic algorithm, in this case based on MATLAB.
- 学习matlab的一些心得 对于新手 尤其重要-To learn matlab Some experience is especially important for novice
- 传统的数字锁相环系统是希望通过采用具有低通特性的环路滤波器,获得稳定的振荡控制数据由于数字电子技术的迅速发展,尤其是数字计算和信号处理技术在多媒体、自动化、仪器仪表、通讯等领域的广泛应用,用数字电路处理模拟信号的情况日益普遍。所以模拟信号数字化是信息技术的发展趋势,而数字锁相环在其中扮演着重要角色。-Conventional digital PLL system is to have a low-pass characteristics by using the loop filter to o
- 学习C的PPT第一章,很有用,讲解很详细。特别对于基础不好的帮助尤为明显。-Learning C, PPT, is useful to explain in great detail. Especially for the foundation to help poor especially.
- 微量元素在油气化探中的应用,主要讲叙微量元素在化探中特别是油气中的应用-Trace elements in geochemical exploration of oil and gas, mainly spoke of trace elements in geochemical exploration in the oil and gas application, especially
- 在酒店业竞越来越激烈的今天,酒店如何提高服务质量、管理能力显得越来越重要。尤其是对于星级酒店,酒店内部服务项目众多,既需要完成前台的一些服务工作,还需要完成后台的管理工作,并且还有餐饮管理,长话管理众多内容。如果没有一套可靠的酒店管理系统,但凭手工操作,不仅效率低下,而且会极大地形象到酒店的服务的服务质量。-Increasingly fierce competition in the hotel industry today, the hotel how to improve service q
- 《流程图教学助手》是一款用于程序流程图知识教学的辅助软件,特别适合对中小学生开展程序设计初步教学。本软件意图是帮助学生理解流程图、提供绘制流程图环境、实现直观感受流程图(程序)运行。教师可以用本软件设计教学演示例子,来帮助学生理解程序的算法设计,验证程序的正确性、可行性。学生也可以用本软件在电脑上完成绘制流程图的练习、作业,或者自行设计“可运行流程图”,加深对知识的理解、巩固。-" Flowchart teaching assistant" is a process flow
- While our detector is useful in general, it is especially tailored to be used within our human pose estimation framework .
- 从脑电信号的分析出发,论述了频域分析、时域分析等脑电图分析中常用的信号分析方法和特点,特别介绍了Wigner分布、小波变换和匹配跟踪等时频分析方法、人工神经网络和非线性动力学方法在脑电信号分析和处理中的应用情况。 -From the analysis of eeg, discusses the frequency domain and time domain analysis analysis in the analysis of the commonly used eeg signal a
- 数字音频总线I2S总线规范,I2S spec,三线制-Many digital audio systems are being introduced into the consumer audio market, including compact disc, digital audio tape, digital sound processors, and digital TV-sound. The digital audio signals in these systems ar
- 本书是程序设计中的经典,特别适合ACM专用,书中讲解了各种相关算法。适合初学者,也对高手有着一定的作用!-The book is a classic in the program design, especially for the ACM dedicated the book to explain a variety of related algorithms. Suitable for beginners, has a definite effect on the master!
- 对于matlab编程的一些风格的指南,感觉还是比较重要,特别对于初学者,分享一下啦-For some matlab programming style guide, I feel it is quite important, especially for beginners, to share it