- This sample uses geometry representations to create an alternate representation of the esprit model that uses a separate color array and allows the selection of which color array to use at run time. The color tracking is enabled so that our material
- This sample illustrates the use of the glColorMask inVega Prime to selectively render to only certain color bands of the frame buffer. It uses EVENT_PRE_DRAW and EVENT_POST_DRAW vpChannel subscribers to set the color mask so that the channel can be r
- This sample illustrates how to do a DOT3 bump map in Vega Prime. The BumMapper is the key class which loads the specified base and normal map textures. The internal bump mapping approach is based on the DOT3 bump mapping using OpenGL texture environm
- This sample illustrates how to make a simple binocular view in Vega Prime. This is also a good example of how to use the stencil buffer to mask out areas of the screen in vpChannel EVENT_PRE_DRAW and EVENT_POST_DRAW subscribers.
- 在vega prime三维图形引擎中加入opengl,包括对opengl所绘制实体的位置等属性进行控制
- vega prime demo 用于对flt实体的组成node进行遍历,同时更新node节点的信息及属性
- 这是一个细胞识别统计系统的源程序,统计图片中细胞的个数
- 地理信息系统中矢量数据的三维可视化技术(IDL)
- Implementation of an Interval Iterative Closest Point that uses intervals to found the global optimal solution.
- This package includes the source code which computes the diameter (or an epsilon-approximation) of a points set, that can be randomly picked, or read from a file.
- The Hammersley and Halton point sets, two well known low discrepancy sequences, have been used for quasi-Monte Carlo integration in previous research. A deterministic formula generates a uniformly distributed and stochastic-looking sampling pattern,
- 模拟三维地形的3D动画,很有意思,可供参考!