- 下面以画一条 Bezier 曲线为例,详细介绍VC++ 上 OpenGL编程的方法。文中给出了详细注释,以便给初学者明确的指引。一步一步地按所述去做,你将顺利地画出第一个 OpenGL 平台上的图形来。-Below to draw a Bezier curve, for example, described in detail VC++ on OpenGL programming approach. The paper gives detailed notes in order to give
- VC++结合opengl开发地形,开发了很长时间,可以为开发者提供很大的帮助.-VC++ terrain combined with opengl development, development for a long time, can provide for the development of great help.
- code allowing the creation of a cube using opengl under C-code allowing the creation of a cube using opengl under C++
- 简单地月星系三维展示,有光照效果、云层效果,由于木有找到合适的照片,强制做的半透明混合、光晕效果、星空效果. -Simply month galaxies 3D display, with lighting effects, cloud effects, because wood has to find the right picture, forced to do translucent mixed halo effect, Star effect.
- 基于引力-斥力模型的图分布算法演示程序。 包含2d和3d两种模式。可执行程序和源代码。 -Gravity- repulsion model diagram distribution algorithm demo program. Includes 2d and 3d modes. Executable programs and source code.
- 用opengl真实绘制场景,利用镜面发射的效果和采用光线跟踪算法实现光照。-True with opengl rendering scenes, the use of mirror effects and launch ray tracing algorithm using illumination.
- 实现利用GLSL进行动态Cube Mapping, 以及静态的Spherical Mapping. 使用w, q, e, a, s, d控制反光球位置,i, I, o, O, p, P 控制反光球方向.z, Z, x, X, c, C控制照相机角度,上 下 左 右控制照相机位置-Dynamic system to use GLSL Cube Mapping, and static Spherical Mapping. Using w, q, e, a, s, d reflective spher
- 带有飞船的地月系场景,可以用鼠标和键盘进行视角转换,技术不成熟,请见谅-The Earth-Moon system with spaceship scene, you can use the mouse and keyboard angle conversion, immature technology, please forgive me
- 建立了一个在雨中运动的各种颜色的伞的画面-The establishment of a variety of colors in the rain umbrella motion picture
- 建立一个显示明月高悬的夜晚,在花瓣飘飞中,红灯笼随风飘动,月光移动在南瓜灯上的场景。-Show moon hung a night every now and then in the petals, red lanterns fluttering movement moonlight scene on the pumpkins.
- OpenCv实现视频中运动物体跟踪 三帧差法 滤波 绘制矩形框区-OpenCv tracking moving objects in video three difference method draws a rectangle filtering area
- 创建opengl窗口 使用freetype库加载汉字并显示-Create opengl window using freetype library to loaded and displayed characters