- 一款J2ME作得手机游戏,还算不错,大家一起学习吧,也不知道说啥好了,自己看了就知道-A J2ME s cellphone s game,we can learn in it, <This .rar have not extra explain about field,so please download then open it>
- 一个老外写的一个j2me环境的rpg引擎,正在不断更新。供学习使用,请勿用作商业开发,后果自负。-a foreigner wrote a J2ME environment rpg engine, which is continually updated. For learning to use, please do not used for commercial development, responsible for any consequences.
- 刚刚上传的rpg引擎的midpapi部分,请勿用作商业用途,后果自负。-just uploaded rpg engine midpapi part, do not for commercial use, at your peril.
J2ME 3D游戏案例学习
- 功能不错哦!实现简单的游戏功能,可以直到看看,是学习的好兆头,不信就-function well! Simple functions of the game, until the look is a good omen learning, not on the letter of Lower
- COM2US的超精典DragonFire2(龙火2),不用多说了,玩手游的都知道.-COM2US ultra-classic DragonFire2 (Dragon Fire 2), need not, play hand outbound know.
- 是男人就撑过20秒,我写到了手机上,算法什么的都还未完工,但已能运行.加了个简单的时钟,可是不太准确,呵呵.-men on the go for more than 20 seconds, I wrote the phone, what the algorithm has not been completed, has been running. Plus a simple clock, but not quite accurate, huh.
- 脱机执行银行业务操作(offline banking) Java版 由于互联网的不安全性,为了防止在线电子转账时可能发生的电子偷窃行为,本题需要建立一个脱机的银行业务操作程序。 题目要求: -本题要求在计算机上模拟一些基本的银行业务,界面要显示以下功能: 建立一个新的账户(包括两种:转帐帐户和存款账户,转帐帐户可以负债,存款帐户不能负债,但是具有相对较高的利息)。所以客户在建立一个新帐户时,需要进行选择。 向其他户头转账 存取现金 察看账户现金状
- 跳远体育类J2ME源代码。动作细腻。代码未混淆。可直接反编译学习使用-long jump Sports J2ME source code. Delicate movements. Code not confused. Direct-compiler learning
- 可修改motorola手机不能用数据线下载Java程序的工具软件。该软件还有其它功能,自己慢慢看吧。-phone lines can not be used to download data to the Java programming tools. The software has other functions, and see themselves slowly.
- J2ME初级阶段的小东西。不是很难初学者很受用。用eclipse|WTK2.2平台开发,测试通过。希望通过和大家交流。相互促进。-J2ME initial stage of the small things. Not difficult to beginners yang. With eclipse | WTK2.2 platform development, test. And we hope that through the exchange. Mutual promotion. Thank
- 完成一个小的游戏,你输入的颜色和号码 必须与默认的一样,而且可以循环,当读者不要时自动退出-completion of a small game, you enter the colors and numbers with the default, but can cycle, when the reader must not voluntarily quit
- 本书可以帮助你打建一个j2me的开发基础不要错过噢-this book can help you make the building a foundation of J2ME not miss Oh
- 虽然代码比较简单,但是,我认为根据这个,可以实现“网络爬虫”的功能,比如从页面找href连接,然后再得到那个连接,然后再“抓”,不停止地(当然可以限定层数),这样,可以实现“网页搜索”功能。-Although the code is relatively simple, but I think that this can be "networked Reptile" function, such as from the pages to find href link, an
- SymbianOS J2ME一书的源码,原书没有配源代码光盘,我在网上找了半天找到了,不敢独享,请鉴定。-SymbianOS J2ME source of a book, not on the original distribution source discs I find the Internet a long time to find one, not exclusive, please identification.
- 这个游戏不用多介绍了吧 不过适用机型只有SE 的K系列和S系列.W系列没测试过 经过本人K500C测试没问题 下载后直接将后缀名.zip改为.jar即可 -the game need not introduced but it only applies SE models of Series K and S series. W did not test series I read over E398 test no problem downloading dir
- 一個j2me收發短信的程序,很不錯哦!!!!不個不錯的例子程序.-a J2ME SMS procedures, very good oh! ! ! ! Not a good example of procedures.
- 我喜欢java,我现在在武汉最好的软件公司开发大型ERP系统,虽然我还不满20岁,但是在项目开发方面,已经不错了!-I like java, I now in Wuhan, the best software companies to develop large-scale ERP systems, Although I also dissatisfied with the 20-year-old, but in project development, not bad!
- 打飞机的,背景可以移动,有关头,有奖励,有一架飞机带跟踪,很简单,各位不要笑话我,发上来主要照顾毕业设计危险的XD 说明 1 作品原创 2 论文前面的废话收集于网络(就是TANK的那篇论文),实现部分,也就是老师看的部分原创 3 使用WTK2。2 MIDP 2。0 在写论文的时候不小心把精简过的代码删除了,所以发的代码很乱,但一般老师不看 摘要和目录在最后 图片都是别
- Calculator原代码,自己写的,刚学不太好 希望高手指点-Calculator original code, wrote it myself, just hope that the school is not a good master guiding
- 不知道是什么东西,大家看看吧。可以交流交流哦。-do not know what the things we look at it. Oh exchange exchanges.