- wappush-c实现 注意,短信应当以二进制格式发送(SMPP和CMPP里,编码为0x04) 短信内容,WAP PUSH是使用1条或者多条短信来发的,如果内容超过了140个字节,就必须分多条发送,规则如下: 0B05040B8423F00003B3 02 01 B30601AE02056A0045C60C03 6865726F2E7478736D732E636F6D 0001 03746573747465737474657374746573747465737474657374
- 本人为友邦公司做的模拟网关源代码,代码中有不足,希望站长多加指教,-my friends to do the simulation companies gateway source code, the code is not sufficient and more exhibitions director, thank you
- CmppAPI是根据中国移动短信网关开发接口Cmpp1.2编写的一个为开发短信应用的人员提供的开发包,使用非常简单,为用户做了很好的封装,用户不需要关心通讯的细节,可以将精力放到业务实现上;此开发包适合短信业务开发者和提供短信业务的网站开发者-CmppAPI is based China Mobile SMS Gateway Interface Development Cmpp1.2 preparation for the development of an SMS application of
- 移动misc接口,来源于网络,请不要介意-mobile interface, and from the network, please do not mind
- 短信发送平台的源码,很久没弄了,和大家分享!-SMS platform source, did not get a long time, and we share!
- //在tc3.0++在运行 //a数组用于随机产生1-6数表示每个方格后面的图形.用inita()函数来实现 //c数组用于记录方格的状态,用字符L(lock)表示没有打开的方格 //D(delete)表示已消去的方格.O(open)表示打开的方格. //变量m表示按回车键的有效次数.也是记忆力参数,越小记忆力越好 //变量xpos,ypos用于表示当前光标所在的位置 //(x1,y1),(x2,y2)用于记录打开的两个方格的位置 //judge()函数用于控制
- 一个支持EMPP协议的企信通程序,很完整可以马上用,完全socket底层协议编写,不用移动提供的API-an agreement to support the enterprise ICT procedures can be very integrity put to use immediately. fully prepared socket bottom of the agreement, not the mobile API
- 来电防火墙中文版,可通过通讯录的设置来决定是否接听某人的来电-Call firewall Chinese version of the directory can be set up to decide whether or not to answer the call of a person
GSM 03.38
- 手机短信事实上具备很多您没有注意的功能,比如可以发送不是文字的信息(图铃)、可以发送FLASH短信等,这些都与下发短信的编码方式有关!-SMS in fact you do not have a lot of attention to the function, for example, could not send text messages (SMS and EMS users), Flash can send text messages, these are messages issued
- PB发短信的源程序,没有用到第三方控件,用API实现-PB send text messages to the source, did not use the third-party control, with API
- 本接口实现了中国移动通信互联网短信网关接口协议(CMPP2.0),以动态库的形式提供了WINDOWS下的接口,使您不必关心底层的网络通信过程,只需要熟悉协议,就可以开发出简洁高效的短信程序。-the interface of China Mobile Communications Internet SMS Gateway Interface Protocol (CMPP2.0), a dynamic library in the form of the Windows interface, so
C330 SMS
- 实现Text模式下短信的发送接收。有些较老的手机不支持PDU模式,就只能通过Text模式发送接收。该程序可以作为一个参考的例子。-achieve Text mode send and receive messages. Some older phones do not support PDU mode, it will only be through the Text mode send and receive. The program can serve as a useful example
- pdu编码的软件源代码,其中还包含了中文的部分,核心代码不多,控件有第三方控件,大家看懂就可以随便编写了!-pdu coding software source code, which also includes part of the Chinese, not the core code, and the control of a third component, we understand that it can easily prepared!
- 手机短信骚扰程序源码。如果有人恶意的骚扰你的话,可以采用这种方法报复它,除非他关机,否则骚扰短信不断。(注:不要随便使用)-SMS harassment source. If someone malicious harassment of you, this method can be used retaliatory it, unless he be elected, otherwise harassing messages constantly. (Note : Do not use)
- 下面是我收集到的移动CMPP的错误信息,不知道是否正确,希望对大家有帮助:)-Below is a collection of mobile CMPP wrong message not know whether this is correct, and I hope to be helpful :)
- 收发短信ocx控件,在网页上加载该控件后,可直接通过网页进行短信的收发,测试通过warecom的短信猫,e680,n72等终端设备,网上都是通过客户端进行短信收发,找了很久没找到,这是在客户端收发短信的代码上改成ocx控件的,满足相关系统的要在页面上收发短信的需求。,Ocx control to send and receive text messages, web pages to load after the control can be carried out directly throu
- flash sms 闪信源码,可直接于用户手机上显示短信,读过即删不保留。,flash sms flash source letter can be directly displayed on the user mobile phone text messages, read or censored not to retain.
- 很好很强大的,模拟smgp发c网网关,本人已经测试通过了。注意不能发小灵通 ,Very very strong, analog smgp fat c network gateway, I have been tested passed. Note that PHS can not be made
- tc35手机模块收发短息程序,用任意手机发信息给该模块没该模块按照定义自动回复-tc35 phone modules send and receive text information program, with any cell phone send a message to the module, by definition, do not automatically restore the module
- 飞信发短信程序,含jar包和代码源码,不需要lisence,Send text messages Fetion procedures, including source code package and the jar, do not need to lisence