Incredi Build 3.60b
- MTK 已经更换编译器为RVCT,但是新的编译器不能让大家使用分布式编译,原因在于lisence的问题,所以现在特上传此工具,方便MTK编译时间缩短-MTK has been replaced by the compiler RVCT, but the new compiler can not let you use distributed compilation, because lisence problem, so now upload this special tool to facil
- .支持全系列MTK芯片组(6205.6217.6218.6219.6225.6226.6227.6228.6229...等)读.写.格.解锁.解密 2.网站上下载回来的48资料可直接写入,平台自动完成解密功能,写完资料直接开机即可。 3.如遇到用别的广家仪器解密写入不开机的,只要是资料问题用我们的平台把手机资料读出来,然后在写回去即可开机(已经测试N次了)。 4.解锁和修复普通软件问题,直接点击复位手机即可。 5.平台自动识别CPU、字库、容量大小,自动读.写,读写均为全
- 10种MTK设备驱动的详细介绍,实用配置方法,以及MTK不能开机的可能原因介绍。-10 MTK detailed descr iption of the device driver, configuration utility, as well as the possible causes can not boot MTK introduction.
- 在mtk平台上的锁网功能,锁定某些sim卡后,只有这些被锁定的卡可以使用,其他的卡无法使用-Mtk platform lock in the network functions, some of the sim card is locked, and only these cards can be locked, the other cards can not be used
- MRP游戏列表驱动文件。一共三个,如果手机支持MRP,但是不能使用MRP功能可以下载此文件解压到MRP文件夹内。-MRP Play list driver files. A total of three, if the phone supports MRP, but not the use of MRP function can download this file unzip into the MRP folder.
- MTK RVCT版本,默认输入法hanwang demo,无法输入 “圳”等,关键字符,现在新输入法解决此问题。-Version of MTK RVCT, the default input the law hanwang demo, you can not enter the " Shenzhen" , key characters, new input method to resolve this problem.
- MTK不支持JAVA平台游戏的入口文件,把载的MRP文件放到手机或内存卡里的mythroad里,在待机画面下按×#220807#就可以应用那些软件了-MTK does not support the JAVA platform, the entrance to the game files, containing documents of the MRP on the phone or memory card mythroad, in the standby screen by ×# 22080
- MTK不支持JAVA平台的mrp游戏,名叫丛林战争,把下载的MRP文件放到手机或内存卡里的mythroad里,在待机画面下按×#220807#就可以应用那些软件了-MTK does not support the JAVA platform mrp games, known as the jungle war, the MRP file to download on the phone or memory card mythroad, in the standby screen by ×# 22
- MTK6252效验说明,用于程式检查是否正确-MTK6252 file for test your program is right or not
- MTK flash tool V3.0908版本,真正可用于MT6235平台的下载工具。-MTK flash tool V3.0908,not source code
- MTK音频调整工具,专治各种MTK芯片手机送话音小,及听筒声音小.rar 。一款可以更该mtk音频的软件,我不会怎么使用,请哪位大侠指点一下-MTK audio adjustment tools, cures all kinds of MTK-chip cell phone to send voice small and the earpiece sound small. Rar. A can be more of the audio software MTK, I do not how to
- 不知如何使用,哪个会用的指教一下,谢谢QQ547873739-I do not know how to use, which will be used to advise you, thank you QQ547873739
- 不知如何使用,哪个会用的指教一下,谢谢QQ547873739-I do not know how to use, which will be used to advise you, thank you QQ547873739
- 不知如何使用,哪个会用的指教一下,谢谢QQ547873739-I do not know how to use, which will be used to advise you, thank you QQ547873739
- 不知如何使用,哪个会用的指教一下,谢谢QQ547873739-I do not know how to use, which will be used to advise you, thank you QQ547873739
- mtk芯片手机电话本读出软件,不开机的也能读-MTK-chip cell phone phone book to read out the software, not boot also can read
- MTK不支持JAVA平台游戏的入口应用文件,把载的MRP文件放到手机或内存卡里的mythroad里,在待机画面下按×#220807#就可以应用那些软件了-MTK does not support the JAVA platform, the entrance to the application of game files, containing documents of MRP on the phone or memory card mythroad, in the standby scree
- MTK不支持JAVA平台的mrp游戏,名叫地产大亨,把下载的MRP文件放到手机或内存卡里的mythroad里,在待机画面下按×#220807#就可以应用那些软件了-MTK does not support the JAVA platform mrp games, called the real estate tycoon, MRP file to download on the phone or memory card mythroad, in the standby screen by ×#
- OV9650_IG (1.1)注意不是ds是ig版本的哦-OV9650_IG (1.1) Note that is not the ds version of the oh ig
- MTK软件跟踪工具,不知道大家有了没有,请多多指教-MTK software tracking tool, do not know if you have not, the exhibitions