- 全面介绍MAPX开发的有关内容,VC下鹰眼图的实现VC下鹰眼图实现的 思路与VB是一样的,只不过VC的可视化程序没有VB高,VC更多的是利用代码来实现一定的功能。 -comprehensive presentation Connection development of the content, VC Hawkeye map to achieve VC Hawkeye map and the idea is the same as VB, VC only visualization pr
- 1.目录GPS_Bus为工程文件,用C++ Builder实现,由于版权问题,本系统没有提供数据库,读者可以学习其中的编程技巧,然后根据需要设计出自己的数据库系统。 2.本系统需要安装Mapobject。-1. Contents GPS_Bus for engineering documents, C Builder, due to copyright issues, the system did not provide database, in which readers ca
- abel Tool Sample Requires: Visual Basic 6 and MapObjects 2.x Data: redlands.shp (Redlands sample data set from MO 2.x) Interactive Labeling Tool If the check box is checked, then the mouse down location will search for the closest line,
- very good soft believe it or not ,please come here and download it -very good soft believe it or not, please come here and download it
- 一个图书馆管理系统的源代码,虽然没有整个系统,但是已经给出了各个功能的源代码,希望程序员们自己去摸索.-a library management system source code, although not the entire system. But all have been given a function of the source code, programmers hope to explore themselves.
- 中国联通 gip协议代码,应该会有用的,大家看看,我也没怎么仔细看-China Unicom gip agreement code should be used, we look at, I have not had a close look at how
- 使用.Net WIN32COM 打开端口,解决JustIO打开端口初始化不行的问题-use. Net WIN32COM open ports, JustIO resolve not to open the port initialization problem
- QLandkarte - use your Garmin GPS with Linux Requirements: * > Qt 4.2.x (Qt 4.1.x will not work!) * > proj4 4.4.x * > libusb 0.1.x
- 该程序为GPS数据采集程序,AppWizard has created this GPS application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a sum
- wince 模拟iphone 界面 wince 这是自己带的 不是我自己写的-iphone interface wince simulation wince This is not to bring their own I wrote it myself
- 通过网站下得yuma数据,通过此编码转换,进入matlab,进行运算。注意不能有空行-Yuma data through the web site too, under, through this transcoding into matlab, conduct operations. Note that blank lines can not be
- 读取GPS的观测O文件,读取速度较快,不占用过多内存-GPS observations O file reading, reading speed, do not take up too much memory
- GPS定位信息的解析,如:GPGLL,GPRMC,GPGGA等。 没有编译,这是我从很大的程序中截取的,呵呵,但是测试了,能逐个解析出来。-Analysis of GPS positioning information, such as: GPGLL, GPRMC, GPGGA, etc.. Does not compile, this is a great program, I intercepted, Oh, but the test can resolve them.
- 您的联系人可以拨打此号码发送传真,传真将以邮件的形式保存在您信箱的收件箱中,未存储到收件箱的传真可点击“查询传真”按钮查看。-Your contacts can call this number to send fax, fax mail will be saved in your mail inbox, not stored in the fax inbox click on the
- 暑假在学校做GPS汽车行驶轨迹记录仪,当时觉得GSP是一个很高的技术,作为一名大二的学生要做好这个项目觉得很难,现在做出来,感觉不难,将我接收GPS的代码和大家共享一下。-Summer vacation in school car GPS track logger, then think GSP is a very high technology, as a sophomore students find it difficult to do this project now done, I f
- 这是一个简单的软件开发包(SDK),你可以利用这个 GPSLIB 在自己的32位 Windows 应用程序中加入全球定位系统的支持。源代码压缩文件中包含有 GPSLIB 库的源代码和 Demo 程序。很多文件中都有详细的注释说明。为了保证可下载文件的体积尽量的小,压缩文件中不含任何二进制文件。请使用Visual C++ 5 以上的版本编译并生成 DLLs、控制面板程序和可执行文件。-This is a simple software development kit (SDK), you can
- VC++2005和MapX开发的含GPS跟踪演示源码,网上有提供,但由于一个变量的问题无法成功运行,这个是经我调试,可以正常运行的程序-VC++2005 and MapX developed GPS tracking demo with source code, on-line has to provide, but because the issue of a variable can not be run successfully, this is the debug I can be th
- GPS卫星坐标计算与RENIX数据录入,只是没有进行地面坐标的计算-GPS satellite coordinates RENIX calculation and data entry, but he did not carry out the calculation of the ground coordinates
- This code outputs various NMEA strings to a com port. The code was originally used to test naviation programmes. First select the required com port and the required NMEA message string. There is a default starting position but this can be c
- 根据太阳方位较正电罗经误差的最方便软件--Sun_Azimuth-Based on elliptical orbit recipe- not tested to full accuracy